Change of Plan

June 2, 2013 Announcements

Since we didn’t have a holding room I thought we could take the kids into the auditorium to watch the show.  But smarter heads than mine talked me out of that.  The younger kids are at the beginning of the performance so we will have them in the hallway behind the stage after they are done performing if the mom’s want to come back and change them into their street clothes.  If everyone brings something to do they can stay in the hallway until intermission and then parents can take them into the auditorium.  It would be best to wait to bring them in until intermission because it would be very distracting to the audience to have everyone randomly coming into the auditorium in the middle of the performance.  I still need volunteers to help with the classes, one for each night for each class.  Don’t forget about the rehearsal Tuesday night rehearsal at 5 pm at ABA.  Classes will be cancelled except for Monday this week due to the performance.

Thank you